Coach Programme
The Coaches Programme is designed to support coaches in the coaching of young performers. Working with coaches and looking at themselves and their own well-being we believe they can have a significant impact on young performers. Through this coaches can create a positive environment of enjoyment, connection to others and a sense of belonging. This will make performers feel happier and hence have a greater ability to perform at a higher level.
Session One.
Setting the Scene.
We explore where they are now and why they went into coaching.
Coaches will start to explore how they are defined - is it 'what you do or who you are?’
Session Two.
Brand You.
Are you defined by what you do or who you are?
Coaches start to build a profile of themselves by looking at how you see yourself, how others see you, and your needs.
Coaches will examine their philosophy to identify their own uniqueness.
Session Three.
Coaches identify what their current challenges are.
These experiences are shared and explored.
To look for solutions to these challenges. Such as working as an individual or part of a team, duty of care, financial pressures, pressures to perform or ‘produce players’.
Coaches will develop communication skills in this setting, to understand what they are ’teaching’ and what it looks like.
Session Four.
The aim of this session is for coaches to understand where leadership occurs in different forms. Starting as leadership as a coach to working as part of a team.
Coaches explore what their leadership looks like and how they would like it to be. We explore what collaboration and co-creation look like and how this can improve the confidence of a coach.
The programme has a key focus on communication skills and how these have a significant impact on leadership at an individual and team level.
Session Five.
Looking After Yourself.
The well-being of the coach will impact the well-being of the performer.
Through this session, coaches are asked to share experiences of “What are you doing for yourself?’.
We aim to get coaches to have a greater understanding of well-being and understand the anxieties they may feel around coaching and the anxieties and stresses the performers will be feeling.
Coaches will be asked to look at what they do for ‘Me Time’ and how they manage their time and emotional energy.