Player Programme
Supporting you to support them.
To understand yourself and being able to identify what is ‘Brand You.'
An Introduction to well-being and why it is important in your context
Identifying those who support you in the context of life and sport
Brand You - what are your characteristic, your talents? What makes you happy and sad?
What do you value - what is important to you? What are you proud of?
How does this impact your performance?
Your support systems.
To understand the roles of those around you and how they impact on you.
What is your network?
Explore the roles of parents and coaches
Support works both ways, but how does that look?
What I can do for them and what they can do for me?
Learning to learn - creating resilience
How do you support yourself?
How I can look after myself? How can I use the resources around me in order to build self-esteem and resilience?
What does 'looking after me' feel like
Review of what is 'brand me', how do others see me
Who are the key agents around me
How do I understand 'well being'
What I do currently to look after me
What opportunities are there for me to improve/support my well being
Explore the impact of better well being
Supporting change.
Change - inside and outside of sport.
Exploring what change does to me emotionally
Understanding me and my well being in the context of changing situations
What does challenge look like and how do I respond to it
Sharing experiences with others
Exploring solution focused approaches to change
Helping performers to understand themselves and their beliefs to enhance their life in and out of sport